Thursday, 15 February 2007

Bridge Climb!!

Me and Kate had been informed by many sources that the bridge climb of the Sydney harbour bridge was an absolute must for tourists. So me and Kate signed up and paid quite a substantial amount of money and hoped that it would be worth it. We had to take off our trousers and wear these grey and blue siuts - the first one the guy gave me was a touch on the small side and lets just say - i had a front and back wedgie!!!! After donning the correct sized suit - we were equipped with caps, hankerchiefs and headsets so we could hear what the chick was saying. We had a practice run of what it was like to climb some of the stairs and then get down and we were off. You are shackled to the side of the stairs so the most you could fall is about 1/2 a metre before the thing locked and you would be ok again! I'm not one to be afraid of heights, but this is proper high and you can see through the floor you're standing on all the way to the ground!! When climbing some of the stairs i had a slight panicky moment, but regained my confidence and climbed to the top. The views are unreal and as you can see from mine and Kate's photo's we had a ball!! We came down and went straight to the pub for a celebratory bevvie!! The guide we had was awesome and the trip up there was worth every penny! LOVE IT!!
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